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What's new

Celerate your time-to-value, scalability, and innovation with censhare Cloud

On the 18th of January 2024 we have finally launched our cloud-based offering, powered by all the features and functionalities of censhare Classic, enhanced with increased scalability and a completely new developer and admin experience. Our new cloud offering addresses customer and market expectations with new features, low-code capabilities, and a simplified development lifecycle.

In our first Cloud release, we focus on cloud-native development and administration capabilities that make customization, configuration, monitoring, and troubleshooting faster and easier. For customization and configuration, we introduced low-code orchestration, Git integration and improved user management. For monitoring and troubleshooting, you can integrate with observability tools, straight out-of-the-box. This all boils down to faster innovation and time-to-value with the new features requested by your business.

More information:

Find here the documentation for censhare Cloud (Login required).

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